Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival (Nintendo Switch)

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Mise à jour 02/05 17:33
SKU: 23
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The Story: Discover Omiko City, where the Taiko world is set. You will strive to become a Taiko Master along with your buddies, DON-Chan and Kumo-kyun! Taiko Mode: Have fun playing Japanese Taiko with your favourite songs! There are four difficulty levels to choose from: “Easy,” “Normal”, “Hard”, and “Extreme” to match your skill level. There are 76 songs in the collection, including the latest songs such as “Gurenge”, “Feel Special”, and “Racing into the Night”! You can play the game in a variety of play styles, such as “Handheld Mode,” “TV Mode,” “Sharing Joy-Con,” “Shaking,” “Touch Play,” and “Taiko Drum Set” Online Mode: The “Online Ranked Matches” allows you to match up with other players who are close to your level, so you can always enjoy a heated battle! Win Taiko battles with players from all over the world and move up in rank! In Online Room Match, you can customise the rules and play with anybody! Party Mode: In “Don-chan Band,” up to four players take charge of different tones and play together to make a successful live performance. And in the “Great Drum Toy War,” you build your own deck of toys and battle it out!

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  • C'est Bandai Namco Entertainment qui a créé Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival (Nintendo Switch)
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Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival (Nintendo Switch)

Nous avons le plaisir de vous acceuillir dans l'univers Bandai namco entertainment.

Pour vous offrir Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival (Nintendo Switch) le moins cher possible, vous pouvez le commander en ligne sur le site . Il a été detecté aujourd'hui au prix le plus bas de None €. Pour rappel, il est distribué par Bandai namco entertainment, et a été lancé au prix 0.00 € lors de sa sortie en France.

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La motivation de Sewan se retrouve essentiellement dans sa quête à constamment chercher le prix le plus bas comme pour Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival (Nintendo Switch) Bandai namco entertainment qui a cassé les codes pour qu'il devienne un incontournable et c'est pourquoi nous sommes fier de vous le présenter sur notre site.

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source :, Amazon
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